Name of Bajrangbali is enough to solve your problems. It is believed that on Hanuman Jayanti, the devotees who chant these 12 names and perform a pooja, receive special grace and blessings of Hanuman ji.

Here are the 12 miraculous names:
These are -
1. Hanuman,
2. Anjanisut,
3. Vaayu-Putra,
4. Mahabal,
5. Rāmeṣṭa,
6. Falgun-Sakha.
7. Piṁgākṣa
8. Amit Vikram
9. Udadhikramaṇa
10. Sita-Shok-Vinashak
11. Lakṣmaṇa prāṇa dātā
12. Dashgriv-Darpaha, destroyer of Ravan's vanity.
Those who recall these 12 names before sleeping, early morning
or during journey, recitation of these 12 names removes fear... It is mentioned here.

To remove quarrels, disputes, diseases,
physical weakness this is the mantra for that; those who want to remove quarrels, disputes, diseases,
physical weakness they should recite these lines,
"Budhi heen tanu janike sumiro pawan kumar,
bal buddhi vidya dehu mohi harhu kalesh vikar".
1. Hanuman,
2. Anjanisut,
3. Vaayu-Putra,
4. Mahabal,
5. Rāmeṣṭa,
6. Falgun-Sakha.
7. Piṁgākṣa
8. Amit Vikram
9. Udadhikramaṇa
10. Sita-Shok-Vinashak
11. Lakṣmaṇa prāṇa dātā
12. Dashgriv-Darpaha, destroyer of Ravan's vanity.
Those who recall these 12 names before sleeping, early morning
or during journey, recitation of these 12 names removes fear... It is mentioned here.

To remove quarrels, disputes, diseases,
physical weakness this is the mantra for that; those who want to remove quarrels, disputes, diseases,
physical weakness they should recite these lines,
"Budhi heen tanu janike sumiro pawan kumar,
bal buddhi vidya dehu mohi harhu kalesh vikar".